Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Great America Race Treasure Hunt: Day 6

Once again we started at a coffee house. We can really start to get used to this! (hint hint, Chris & Lisa) After our morning buzz, we moved across the street to the steps of a large church for the daily sermon. Josh gave us the choice of one of two sets of clues. A single difficult clue with 5 answers and a usual set of 7 or so clues in normal fashion. After each team huddled around each other to debate and vote, one representative of each stepped forth and made their choice. Josh also said that for today only, we have the choice of splitting our teams in 2. We decided to go for the normal set of clues over the harder sin gle clue, as did most other teams. We also agreed that our team is strongest as a single unit, rather than splitting up our skill sets. Our biggest mistake of the race, so far. We easily flew threw our clues in our normal fashion, despite the humidity and evil predatory gnats that apparently thrive here in a climate that’s roughly equivalent to Dante’s hottest level of Hell (only much more scenic). Our only stumbling block was a graveyard of the Daughter’s of the American Revolution, where we had much trouble finding a particular name on one of the headstones. Much to our chagrin, upon calling in the final answer at the pirate cove down by the river, we were informed that we were the LAST TEAM TO LEAVE SAVANNAH. Apparently, our choice not to split up, wasn’t so ‘brilliant’ after all. At the beginning of the day we were 34 minutes ahead of Team Bloodshot, the second place team. By the end of Savannah, we had switched positions and were now 78 minutes behind them.

Stay tuned for our triumphant comeback on the seventh and final day of The Great America Race.

END DAY 6 (It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity… and the carnivorous gnats)

PS: The day’s good fortune continued as we learned while driving 7 hours to Panama City that back home in Virginia, Jason and Corina’s house as well as Mat’s car had been impaled the day before by rapidly decelerating local flora (large tree limbs crashing down)

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